Monday, June 29, 2015

A drug commonly used to treat inflammation of the lining of joints could also be a potential new treatment for disfiguring skin condition vitiligo, according to the authors of a new study. Vitiligo causes the development of patches of discolored skin through the loss of pigmentation. The study, published in JAMA Dermatology, details the case of one patient whose progressive vitiligo was successfully treated by dermatologists from Yale School of Medicine in New Haven, CN. "While it s one case, we anticipated the successful treatment of this patient based on our current understanding of the disease and how the drug works," says principal investigator Dr. Onglyza (Saxagliptin) with free prescription Brett King, an assistant professor of dermatology at Yale. The drug in question, tofacitinib, is typically used to treat moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis, a chronic inflammatory disorder affecting the lining of the joints. About Inderal La (Propranolol) It belongs to a family of drugs known as Janus kinase (JAK) inhibitors that have been approved for use by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Previously, Dr. Buy Beloc (Metoprolol) without prescription King discovered that tofacitinib could be used to treat hair loss caused by alopecia areata, an autoimmune disorder in which the immune system attacks the hair follicles. Vitiligo is also considered to be an autoimmune disorder, with the immune system targeting skin cells called melanocytes that produce the skin s pigmentation. Beloc Zok People with vitiligo develop patches on their skin that are devoid of pigmentation and color. Methotrexate () without Rx In severe cases, the discoloration can cause significant psychological distress. There are several treatments available for treating vitiligo, such as steroid creams and light therapy, but none of these are reliably effective in reversing the symptoms of the condition. Researchers believe discovery could revolutionize vitiligo treatment The subject of the study was a 53-year-old patient with prominent white patches covering the skin of her face, hands and body that had been increasing over the previous year. Buy Echinacea Tea online She had received treatment in the form of ointments and light therapy, but these did not halt the condition s progression. Due to tofacitinib s success in treating alopecia areata, Dr. King and study co-author Dr. Brittany Craiglow believed that it might also prove effective at treating vitiligo. For their trial, the patient received an oral dose of the drug of 5 mg every other day, which increased to 5 mg a day after 3 weeks. The researchers found that after 2 months of treatment, the patient had experienced partial repigmentation on her arms, face and hands. After 5 months, the white patches she had been most concerned with on her face and hands were nearly all gone. Only a few white spots remained on other parts of her body. The dosage administered during the trial was half the approved dosage for treating rheumatoid arthritis. Crucially, the patient did not experience any adverse effects upon taking tofacitinib. "It s a first, and it could revolutionize treatment of an awful disease," says Dr. King. "This may be a huge step forward in the treatment of patients with this condition." As the study only involved one patient, Dr. King acknowledges that further research will be needed to confirm that the drug is both safe and effective in treating vitiligo. He now hopes to conduct a clinical trial using tofacitinib or ruxolitinib - another JAK inhibitor that may be able to treat alopecia areata - to treat the disorder. "Alopecia areata and vitiligo share genetic risk factors and can co-occur within families and individual patients, suggesting a common pathogenesis," write the authors. "As such, it is not surprising that a medication that has been shown to be effective in treating alopecia areata may also be effective in treating vitiligo." Medical News Today reported on how ruxolitinib could restore hair growth in patients with alopecia areata last August. The drug is more commonly used to treat a rare bone marrow disease. Written by James McIntosh

Sunday, June 28, 2015

In a new study, researchers from Weill Cornell Medical College in New York City, NY, found that the order in which different types of food are consumed has a significant impact on post-meal glucose and insulin levels in obese people. About Mentax (Butenafine) without prescription Writing in the journal Diabetes Care, the authors suggest their findings may have dietary implications for diabetic and other high-risk patients. Eating protein, vegetables and fat before carbohydrates in a meal may help to keep glucose and insulin levels low. For people with type 2 diabetes, it is important to maintain normal glucose levels after eating, because if their blood sugar level spikes then they are at increased risk of complications, including hardening of the arteries and heart disease, which can eventually lead to death. Some previous studies had found that eating vegetables or protein before carbohydrates could be an effective way to lower post-meal glucose levels. Lithobid (Lithium) with free Rx The researchers behind the new study wanted to see whether this association applied to a typical Western diet, with meals consisting of a mix of vegetables, protein carbohydrates and fat. In the study, 11 patients with obesity and type 2 diabetes who were taking metformin - a drug that helps control glucose levels - ate the same meals in different orders 1 week apart, so that the researchers could observe how their glucose levels were affected. The set meal consisted of ciabatta bread, orange juice, chicken breast, lettuce and tomato salad with low-fat dressing and steamed broccoli with butter. Glucose and insulin levels lower when carbohydrates were eaten last The researchers first took the patients glucose levels in the morning, 12 hours after they last ate. Imdur (Isosorbide) with free prescription On the first day of the study, the participants were told to consume the carbohydrates in their meal (ciabatta bread and orange juice) first, and to follow this 15 minutes later by the protein, vegetables and fat in the meal. Buy Avil without prescription The participants glucose levels were checked 30, 60 and 120 minutes after eating. The experiment was then repeated 1 week later, except this time the food order was reversed - the protein, vegetables and fat were eaten first, with the carbohydrates consumed 15 minutes later. When the vegetables and protein were eaten before the carbohydrates, the researchers found that glucose levels were 29%, 37% and 17% lower at the 30, 60 and 120-minute checks, compared with when carbohydrates were consumed first. About Oxytrol (Oxybutynin) with free Rx Also, insulin was found to be significantly lower when the participants ate vegetables and protein first. "Based on this finding, instead of saying don t eat that to their patients, clinicians might instead say, eat this before that, " says senior author Dr. Buy D-Glucarate online Louis Aronne, the Sanford I. Weill Professor of Metabolic Research and a professor of clinical medicine at Weill Cornell Medical College. Dr. Aronne acknowledges that follow-up work is required - the findings are from a pilot study with a very small sample group - but says that "based on this finding, patients with type 2 might be able to make a simple change to lower their blood sugar throughout the day, decrease how much insulin they need to take, and potentially have a long-lasting, positive impact on their health." "Carbohydrates raise blood sugar, but if you tell someone not to eat them - or to drastically cut back - it s hard for them to comply. This study points to an easier way that patients might lower their blood sugar and insulin levels," Dr. Aronne concludes. Written by David McNamee

Saturday, June 27, 2015

Fasting what are the health benefits and risks?

Fasting is commonly associated with the month of Ramadan. Buy Kamagra Oral Jelly (Sildenafil Citrate) with no Rx As you read this, billions of Muslims around the world are engaging in this declaration of faith that involves abstaining from food and drink from dawn until dusk. Naprosyn (Naproxen) with no prescription While fasting for Ramadan is down to spiritual beliefs, many of us choose to fast with the belief that it benefits our health. Trecator-SC (Ethionamide) with no prescription But does it? A number of studies have suggested intermittent fasting has numerous health benefits, including weight loss, lower blood pressure and reduced cholesterol. In recent years, numerous studies have suggested that intermittent fasting - abstaining or reducing food and drink intake periodically - can be good for us, making it one of the most popular diet trends worldwide. One of the most well-known intermittent fasting diets is the 5:2 Fast Diet - a plan that involves eating the recommended calorie intake for 5 days a week but reducing calorie intake to 25% for the remaining 2 days - to 500 calories a day for women and 600 a day for men. According to Dr. Aspergum without Rx Michael Mosley - author of The Fast Diet books - this eating plan can not only help people lose weight, but it offers an array of other health benefits. "Studies of intermittent fasting show that not only do people see improvements in blood pressure and their cholesterol levels, but also in their insulin sensitivity," he adds. In June 2014, for example, Medical News Today reported on a study suggesting periodic fasting - defined in the study as 1 day of water-only fasting a week - may reduce the risk of diabetes among people at high risk for the condition. Another study, conducted by Dr. Professional Pack-40 () without prescription Valter Longo and colleagues from the University of Southern California (USC) in Los Angeles, found longer periods of fasting - 2-4 days - may even "reboot" the immune system, clearing out old immune cells and regenerating new ones - a process they say could protect against cell damage caused by factors such as aging and chemotherapy. But what are the mechanisms underlying the suggested health benefits of fasting? The potential benefits of intermittent fasting Since the body is unable to get its energy from food during fasting, it dips into glucose that is stored in the liver and muscles. Buy Cleansing online This begins around 8 hours after the last meal is consumed. When the stored glucose has been used up, the body then begins to burn fat as a source of energy, which can result in weight loss. As well as aiding weight loss, Dr. Razeen Mahroof, of the University of Oxford in the UK, explains that the use of fat for energy can help preserve muscle and reduce cholesterol levels. When the body has used up glucose stores during fasting, it burns fat for energy, resulting in weight loss. "A detoxification process also occurs, because any toxins stored in the body s fat are dissolved and removed from the body," he adds, noting that after a few days of fasting, higher levels of endorphins - "feel-good" hormones - are produced in the blood, which can have a positive impact on mental well-being. As mentioned previously, the study by Dr. Longo and colleagues suggests prolonged fasting may also be effective for regenerating immune cells. "When you starve, the system tries to save energy, and one of the things it can do to save energy is to recycle a lot of the immune cells that are not needed, especially those that may be damaged," Dr. Longo explains. In their study, published in the journal Cell Stem Cell, the team found that repeated cycles of 2-4 days without food over a 6-month period destroyed the old and damaged immune cells in mice and generated new ones. What is more, the team found that cancer patients who fasted for 3 days prior to chemotherapy were protected against immune system damage that can be caused by the treatment, which they attribute to immune cell regeneration. "The good news is that the body got rid of the parts of the system that might be damaged or old, the inefficient parts, during the fasting," says Dr. Longo. "Now, if you start with a system heavily damaged by chemotherapy or aging, fasting cycles can generate, literally, a new immune system." With the potential health benefits of fasting widely hailed by nutritionists worldwide, it is no wonder many of us are putting our love of food to one side in order to give it a try. But intermittent fasting isn t all bells and whistles, according to some researchers and health care professionals, and there are some people who should avoid the diet altogether. The health risks According to the UK s National Health Service (NHS), there are numerous health risks associated with intermittent fasting. People who fast commonly experience dehydration, largely because their body is not getting any fluid from food. As such, it is recommended that during Ramadan, Muslims consume plenty of water prior to fasting periods. Other individuals following fasting diets should ensure they are properly hydrated during fasting periods. If you are used to having breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks in between, fasting periods can be a major challenge. As such, fasting can increase stress levels and disrupt sleep. Dehydration, hunger or lack of sleep during a fasting period can also lead to headaches. Fasting can also cause heartburn; lack of food leads to a reduction in stomach acid, which digests food and destroys bacteria. But smelling food or even thinking about it during fasting periods can trigger the brain into telling the stomach to produce more acid, leading to heartburn. While many nutritionists claim intermittent fasting is a good way to lose weight, some health professionals believe such a diet is ineffective for long-term weight loss. "The appeal is that [fasting] is quick, but it is quick fluid loss, not substantial weight loss," says Madelyn Fernstrom, PhD, of the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center s Weight Loss Management Center. "If it s easy off, it will come back quickly - as soon as you start eating normally again." "My experience has been that [this] way of eating does not produce weight loss even in the short term," dietitian and author of Diet Simple Katherine Tallmadge told ABC News in 2013. Some health professionals believe intermittent fasting may steer people away from healthy eating recommendations, such as eating five portions of fruits and vegetables a day. Many fear fasting may also trigger eating disorders or binge eating. In a blog for The Huffington Post last year, fitness and nutrition expert JJ Virgin wrote: "The anything goes mentality some experts permit during the feeding state could lead someone to overeat, creating guilt, shame, and other problems that only become worse over time. For someone with emotional or psychological eating disorders, intermittent fasting could become a convenient crutch to amplify these issues." While Dr. Mosely says there is no evidence to suggest the 5:2 Fast Diet is associated with eating disorders, he stresses people who have eating disorders should not engage in intermittent fasting. Other people who should not follow this diet include people who are underweight, individuals under the age of 18, pregnant women, people with type 1 diabetes and individuals recovering from surgery. Could we reap the benefits of fasting without fasting? While intermittent fasting may have health risks, nutritionists claim it can be good for us if individuals consult with their doctors before adopting such a diet and adhere to it correctly. But could there be a way to reap the potential health benefits of fasting without actually having to fast? Dr. Longo believes so. Researchers say a fasting-mimicking diet could simulate the effect of fasting without the food deprivation and side effects. Earlier this week, Dr. Longo and colleagues from USC published a study in the journal Cell Metabolism revealing how a fasting-mimicking diet (FMD) triggered immune cell regeneration and extended the lifespan of mice. What is more, on testing the diet in humans - who adhered to it for only 5 days a month for 3 months - they found it reduced a number of risk factors associated with aging, cardiovascular disease (CVD), diabetes and cancer. The FMD is low in protein, low in unhealthy fats and high in healthy fats, according to the researchers. It stimulates markers linked to fasting, such as low glucose levels and high levels of ketone bodies, in order to mimic the effects of prolonged fasting. Dr. Longo and colleagues say their diet could promote immune cell regeneration and longevity associated with fasting without the need for food restriction and the potential adverse effects that come with it. "Although the clinical results will require confirmation by a larger randomized trial," they add, "the effects of FMD cycles on biomarkers/risk factors for aging, cancer, diabetes, and CVD, coupled with the very high compliance to the diet and its safety, indicate that this periodic dietary strategy has high potential to be effective in promoting human healthspan." The team hopes that clinicians will one day have the ability to prescribe this diet to patients. "This is arguably the first non-chronic preclinically and clinically tested anti-aging and healthspan-promoting intervention shown to work and to be very feasible as a doctor or dietitian-supervised intervention," says Dr. Longo. It may be a while before the FMD receives approval from the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for clinical use. First, the team needs to put the diet through a rigorous testing process. Further research is required to gain a better understanding of the exact benefits and risks the FMD poses, and this appears to be the case with existing fasting diets. One thing is clear, however; talk to your doctor before engaging in any form of fasting. Written by Honor Whiteman

Friday, June 26, 2015

What is a mammogram? When should I get a mammogram?

Breast cancer is a disease affecting approximately 2,300 men and 230,000 women annually in the United States.1 While most women are familiar with the term "mammogram," they may not be aware of what it is, why it is used and when it should be done. Buy Kamagra Oral Jelly (Sildenafil Citrate) with no Rx A mammogram is a low-dose X-ray exam used by health care providers to evaluate for abnormalities in the breast not felt by a clinical breast exam, or to evaluate abnormal breast findings.2 Contents of this article: What is a mammogram? What do mammograms show? Benefits and risks of mammograms Mammogram recommendations: when should I get a mammogram? You will also see introductions at the end of some sections to any recent developments that have been covered by MNT s news stories. Naprosyn (Naproxen) with no prescription Also look out for links to information about related conditions. Fast facts on mammograms Here are some key points about mammograms. Trecator-SC (Ethionamide) with no prescription More detail and supporting information is in the main article. Every year over 200,000 American women are diagnosed with breast cancer. Mammograms can help find breast cancer early, when treatments are more likely to be successful. After increasing for many years, the percentage of women getting mammograms has leveled off over the past decade. Around 203,400 breast cancer deaths have been averted since 1991. Breast cancer death rate: down 34% between 1990 and 2010. Around 66.8% of women in the US 40 years of age and over have had a mammogram within the past 2 years. Of insured women, 29% are not getting their mammograms and of uninsured women, 68% are not getting their mammograms. Results from randomized clinical trials show that screening mammography can help reduce the number of deaths from breast cancer among women ages 40 to 74, especially for those over age 50. False-positive results occur when radiologists decide mammograms are abnormal but no cancer is actually present. Getting a high-quality screening mammogram and having a clinical breast exam on a regular basis are the most effective ways to detect breast cancer early. Talk to your doctor about your risk factors for breast cancer and the screening plan that is best for you. What is a mammogram? Mammograms can be used for two reasons - to screen for or diagnose a breast abnormality, and are used in women with and without symptoms.1-3 A mammogram can help a health professional decide whether a lump in the breast is a gland, a harmless cyst, or a tumor. When used for screening purposes, mammograms are utilized by health care providers to evaluate women who do not display symptoms or abnormal findings with the goal of detecting cancer prior to the onset of clinical symptoms.1-3 These mammograms may also locate calcium deposits referred to as microcalcifications, which may be related to breast cancer.1,2 Diagnostic mammograms on the other hand, are used to evaluate abnormal findings such as a lump, pain, skin changes, nipple thickening, nipple discharge, change in breast size or change in size of an existing lump.1-3 Diagnostic mammograms are also used to further evaluate abnormal screening mammogram findings or when a screening mammogram cannot adequately view the breast tissue, for example, when breast implants are present.1 What do mammograms show? The goal of a mammogram is to find cancer, however, other findings may be discovered during the test. Aspergum without Rx Some possible mammogram findings include:2,3 A mammography technician is trained to operate radiologic equipment used to examine breasts for cancer and other abnormalities. Lumps or masses The radiologist will evaluate the shape and contour of these findings to determine a suspicion for cancer versus a benign mass. Professional Pack-40 () without prescription Benign masses generally appear smooth and round with a clearly defined border whereas cancerous masses appear more irregular with a jagged border. Buy Cleansing online Calcifications A calcification (seen as white spots on a mammogram) is a calcium deposit often caused by cell secretions, cell debris, inflammation and trauma. There are two types of calcification - macrocalcifications and microcalcifications: Macrocalcification: these calcium deposits are large, often due to normal aging and are usually not cancerous Microcalcifications: very small deposits of calcium, which may be associated with cancer; they are generally found in areas where there are rapidly dividing cells. Distorted tissue, dense tissue or new breast densities Dense areas represent areas of the breast tissue that have more glands than fat. Masses and calcifications in these areas are challenging to identify; areas such as this may at times be representative of cancer, with distorted areas being possible spread to other surrounding tissue. On the next page we look at the benefits and risks of mammograms and when you should get a mammogram. 1 2 NEXT ▶

Thursday, June 25, 2015

Too hot to handle how to avoid heat-related illness

Hot weather can be extremely pleasant and relaxing, but it also comes with its dangers. Buy Flomax (Tamsulosin) without Rx Sometimes, the human body is unable to handle exposure to extreme heat and maintain the stable core temperature essential for normal bodily functioning. The hotter it is, the more that needs to be done for the body to regulate its core internal temperature. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), there was a total of 7,415 deaths in the US between 1999-2010 as a result of extreme heat. Phoslo (Calcium Acetate) with no Rx Despite being highly preventable, heat-related illness can be lethal. In Europe in 2003, unprecedented heatwaves were responsible for an increase in deaths. About Abilify (Aripiprazole) with free Rx In England, temperatures reached record highs (101 degrees) over a period of 9 days. "There is considerable evidence that heatwaves are dangerous and can kill," states Graham Bickler of Public Health England. About Apin without Rx "In the 2003 heatwave, there were 2,000 to 3,000 excess deaths in England. Buy Serophene (Clomiphene) with free prescription Across Europe, there were around 30,000 excess deaths." Extreme heat is defined by the CDC as "summertime temperatures that are substantially hotter and/or more humid than average for location at that time of year." Although certain groups of people are more susceptible to these temperatures than others, anyone can be affected in the wrong situation. In this Spotlight, we take a look at the effects extreme heat have on the body and the measures that can be taken to prevent dangerous conditions such as heat stroke from occurring. Regulating core internal temperature Problems begin to occur in extreme heat when the body struggles to cool itself down properly. Buy Children's Calcium Supplements online The human body has a very precise core internal temperature that needs to be maintained - a state that is known as homeostasis. A healthy core temperature should sit between 98 degrees and 100 degrees. A part of the brain known as the hypothalamus is responsible for controlling the way in which the body regulates its temperature. If the body s core internal temperature starts to get too low or too high, then it can send signals to glands, muscles, nerves and organs activating mechanisms to adjust the body temperature. The mechanism the body normally uses to cool itself is sweating. Liquid containing salt is released from the sweat glands, and when this sweat evaporates from the body, the body cools down. However, on some occasions, sweating is not enough. For example, if humidity is high - when large amounts of damp air are trapped near the ground - sweat will not evaporate as quickly as it normally would, meaning that the body s ability to cool itself down is compromised. A number of other factors limit how well the body can regulate temperature and, therefore, increase the risk of heat-related illness. These include the following: Old age Youth (age 0-4) Overweight and obesity Heart disease Mental illness affecting judgment Medical conditions that limit activity or restrain blood flow Sunburn Use of certain medications Use of alcohol. In terms of medication, there are a number of different reasons why these can increase the risk of heat-related illnesses. Some, such as those taken for Parkinson s disease, can inhibit sweating while others, such as diuretic medications or "water pills," alter the balance of fluids in the body. When the body is struggling or unable to regulate temperature properly, a number of different illnesses can occur. These vary in severity from heat rash - a common problem in hot work environments - to heat stroke, a medical emergency that can kill. What types of heat-related illnesses are there? Heat-related illnesses come in all shapes, sizes and levels of severity. Some present solely external symptoms, some only internal symptoms and some a combination of the two. Some can be debilitating, some can be lethal and some require nothing more than keeping an affected area of skin dry. Heat rash Probably the least problematic of the heat-related illnesses, heat rash is caused when the skin becomes irritated due to excessive sweating and sweat that does not evaporate. The rash is formed by clusters of red bumps or small blisters on the skin, commonly in areas such as the groin, the upper chest and in folds of the skin. Moving to a cooler location such as the shade of a tree can help cool the body down and reduce the risk of heat-related illness. Young children are most likely to be affected by the condition. Heat rash is best treated by keeping the affected area as dry as possible and moving to a cooler, less humid environment. Heat cramps Heat cramps are muscle spasms and pains that typically occur in the abdomen, arms and legs. Sweating decreases the level of salt and moisture in the body, and it is low salt levels that cause heat cramps. These cramps normally occur in association with strenuous activity and exercise, affecting those who sweat a lot during these pursuits. Drinking water and other cool beverages helps, as does stopping strenuous activity for a few hours. If heat cramps persist for an hour, medical attention should be sought. Heat cramps can also be a sign of more advanced heat-related illnesses - heat exhaustion and heat stroke. Heat exhaustion Heat exhaustion takes a little longer to develop than the forms of illness above, occurring after several days of exposure to extreme heat and imbalanced body fluid levels. The condition is due to the loss and inadequate replacement of water and salt from heavy sweating. People with heat exhaustion can appear pale and sweat heavily, leaving their skin cool and moist. Their heartbeat will be fast but weak, and their breathing is likely to be quick and shallow. In addition to muscle cramps, people with heat exhaustion can experience headaches, nausea or vomiting, fainting and fatigue. Heat exhaustion is most likely to affect older people, people with hypertension and people carrying out activities in hot environments. People with heat exhaustion should cool their bodies by drinking plenty of water or other cool beverages, taking a cool shower or bath and resting in a cooler environment. Heat stroke Heat stroke is the most dangerous of all the heat-related illnesses and occurs when the body is unable to regulate its core internal temperature. Within 10-15 minutes, the core internal temperature can rise to over 106 degrees, a dangerous increase that can lead to permanent disability or death if untreated. The symptoms of heat stroke are far more extreme than those of heat exhaustion. The individual will no longer be able to sweat and, therefore, have red, hot and often dry skin. Their heartbeat will be rapid and strong. Other symptoms include dizziness, throbbing headaches, seizures and unconsciousness. As heat stroke is a medical emergency, action should be taken as quickly as possible. While immediate medical assistance is summoned, the person s body must be cooled down rapidly by whatever means are available. Removing clothing, applying ice packs, immersing the individual in cool water, spraying them with a hose, wrapping them in damp sheets, fanning them: all are methods that can help lower body temperature to safer levels. In all instances of heat-related illness, including heat stroke, moving to a cooler location is one measure that should be taken to improving the situation. This is just one common step that everyone can take to reduce the risk of developing these illnesses. How to keep your cool When the body is struggling to cool itself down, cooling down the location that the body is in is a great way to prevent heat-related illness. In fact, the CDC state that "air conditioning is the number one protective factor against heat-related illness and death." If a person s home is not air conditioned, they can derive benefit from visiting public spaces that are, such as shopping malls or libraries. Exposure to air conditioning for just a few hours a day is enough to reduce the risk of heat-related illness. The body requires more liquid in extreme heat. Do not wait until feeling thirsty before drinking. To improve the body s chances of cooling itself down, it is important that people drink enough fluids. In extreme heat, people should drink more water than they normally would and should not wait until feeling thirsty before drinking. If exercising, the CDC recommend drinking two to four glasses (16-32 ounces) of cool nonalcoholic fluid every hour. Drinking sports beverages can also help by replacing the salt and minerals that are also lost through sweating. Outdoor exercise is best carried out in the morning and evening rather than the afternoon, as these are the times of day when outdoor temperatures are coolest. Resting in shaded areas will give the body more of a chance to regulate its temperature. It is also important that people take care to pace themselves when exercising or carrying out strenuous activities in hot environments. Wearing appropriate clothing helps. Loose, lightweight and light-colored clothing is best, as is wearing as little as you can get away with. Accessories that shade the body such as hats and umbrellas are useful. Of course, any skin that is exposed to the sun will need to be adequately protected from its rays. As sunburn disrupts the skin s ability to cool itself and results in the loss of body fluid, apply sunscreen of SPF 15 or higher around 30 minutes before venturing outside. Be sure to follow the directions on the sunscreen s packaging concerning how frequently it should be reapplied. In terms of keeping cool, a lot of what can be done is common sense. Large, hot meals should be avoided as they heat the body, as does the use of appliances such as ovens. To cool down, take cold showers or baths or have a swim. Keep an eye on weather reports so you can be prepared for a day of extreme heat if one is forecast. Look out for each other! Some of the people who are most at risk from heat-related illnesses are vulnerable individuals who depend on others for care. Be sure to look out for young children, people older than 65, people with chronic and mental disorders and pets during times of extreme heat. Do not leave children or animals alone in cars, where interior temperatures can rise suddenly in a very short space of time, even when the windows are open slightly. If working or exercising in hot environments, be sure to monitor the condition of your colleagues and teammates and have them do the same for you. Some heat-induced illnesses can lead to confusion and visible symptoms that others may be better placed to identify. Most heat-related illnesses are avoidable. By keeping cool, drinking plenty of fluids and being alert, these health conditions should not stop you and others from enjoying a lovely warm summer. Written by James McIntosh

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Stress in domestic cats new review discusses causes and management

Pet cats can suffer from stress triggered by a variety of events and situations, including conflicts with other cats and changes to routine. About Detrol (Tolterodine) with free Rx While cats can adapt, sometimes the stress can be too much, with negative effects on their health. When stressed, cats may stop exploring and hide away for long periods of time.Image credit: Marta Amat, Autonomous University of Barcelona Writing in the Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery, a group of veterinarians from the Autonomous University of Barcelona, Spain, explains that stress can impoverish the health of pet cats and increase their risk of disease. The authors say that stress in pet cats can lead to behavior changes that are so difficult to manage that owners end up relinquishing them or having them euthanized. In their paper, they discuss the causes and effects of stress in pet cats and strategies on how to prevent and reduce it. Some of the main causes of stress that they discuss include: changes to the pets environment, a barren environment, poor relationships with humans, conflicts with other cats and lack of control and predictability. The authors note that other new changes - such as the arrival of a new member in the household, or a change in the daily routine - may also be stressful for the family s feline pet. Effects of stress in cats In cats, stress distorts normal behavior - leading to reduction or excess of it. Risperdal (Risperidone) with no Rx Generally, stress causes a domestic cat to become less active and playful and engage in markedly fewer positive interactions with other cats and humans. The authors note that stress can also cause pet cats to eat less - or more, in some circumstances - than usual. Stress can also trigger compulsive behavior in domestic cats, such as over-grooming, to the point where the animal loses its fur, showing patches of bare skin. About Female Cialis (Tadalafil) without prescription But sometimes, stress can have the opposite effect, causing the cat to be neglectful about grooming. Another sign of stress in a pet cat is increased urine spraying and increased vigilance - the animal can also become a lot more vocal than usual. Cats are naturally curious and social animals, but when stressed, they may stop exploring and hide away for long periods of time. Amiodarone without prescription They can also become more aggressive. Often, owners do not realize that stress is the reason their pet is behaving like this, say the authors, especially if there are no other, more obvious, signs. Reducing conflict In their review, the authors cover a range of strategies that owners can use to help reduce stress in their pet cat. For example, they describe a three-phase method for reducing conflict between cats under the same roof. About Super Kamagra (Sildenafil with Dapoxetine) with no prescription It is important that to begin with, the cats are kept in separate parts of the house - each with its own space, litter tray, food and water bowls, scratching posts, toys, and so on. Then, the cats are introduced to each other s territory (without the other cat being present) - primarily so they can get used to each other s smell. Buy Calcium Hydroxyapatite online In this phase, the owner may also take a clean cloth, rub it on the scent gland of one cat, and then rub the scented cloth on the cheek of the other cat. The authors call this phase "olfactory habituation." When the cats appear to be relaxed in each other s territory (still in the absence of the other), the next phase, called "visual habituation," can begin. In this phase, the cats get to see each other through a safe barrier - for example a mesh door - while they are engaging in pleasant activity. The duration of these "visual contact" sessions is gradually increased, until the final phase, "direct contact habituation," when the mesh or barrier is removed and the animals are allowed to naturally approach each other physically. Environmental enrichment Another stress reduction approach that the authors describe is environmental enrichment, where the physical, social and complexity dimensions of the cat s life are enriched. In this approach, the cat is given its own space with its own resources (food and water bowls, toys, etc), where it can feel comfortable and relaxed, without feeling threatened by other cats and dogs or other pets. As cats spend a lot of time foraging, their space should be enriched with "puzzle feeders" and by hiding food in different places. For cats that spend a lot of time indoors, their toys should be changed frequently to pique their interest and curiosity. Toys that mimic small, moving, catchable prey are particularly effective for this. Another way to enrich the pet cat s environment is to install shelves, cat trees or platforms so the pet can explore its space vertically as well as horizontally. Cats like using height as a vantage point, and they like to hide in places above the ground. The authors also mention studies that suggest giving cats places to hide can reduce stress. Finally, cats, like humans, have different temperaments, and this needs to be considered when deciding strategies for breeding and raising cats, note the authors. The full text of the study - which details all the strategies and discussion behind them - is available free to view for a short time at this link. Earlier this year, Medical News Today learned of a study by veterinary clinicians from the University of Lisbon, also published in the Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery, that showed how classical music can help cats relax during surgery. Veterinarian Dr. Miguel Carreira, the senior study investigator, said he plays classical music when seeing cats in his clinic and noticed that it made cats calmer, more confident and tolerant, particularly during George Handel compositions. Written by Catharine Paddock PhD

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

'Test driving' pacemakers may allow patients to make more informed decisions

It might sound bizarre, but new research suggests that patients may be able to make the most informed decisions about whether or not to have a pacemaker permanently implanted by "test driving" the devices first. The "test drive" procedure that the University of Iowa team has developed involves the patient using the pacemaker outside of their skin before they make the decision on whether to have a permanent implant. Researchers from the University of Iowa in Iowa City presented their findings at the joint meeting of the European Heart Rhythm Association (EHRA) of the European Society of Cardiology (ESC) and Cardiostim in Milan, Italy. The "test drive" procedure that the University of Iowa team has developed involves the patient using the pacemaker outside of their skin before they make the decision on whether to have a permanent implant. The technique was initially developed for patients who were already using pacemakers but had to have them removed to treat infections. Cialis Super Active (Tadalafil) without prescription To do this, it was necessary for the pacemaker hardware to be removed from the patients bodies while antibiotics cleared the infection. "We would give them what we call a temporary permanent pacemaker," explains Prof. About Tadalift (Tadalafil) Michael Giudici, director of arrhythmia services in the Department of Internal Medicine at the University of Iowa. Buy Man XL () with free Rx "You use a permanent pacemaker and a permanent pacing lead but the device is just on the outside of the body." "In symptomatic patients with slow heart rates it s hard to know for sure that the reason these people feel poorly is because their heart is slow," Prof. Aleve with no prescription Giudici continues. Tricor (Fenofibrate) with no Rx "This was a nice way to test the hypothesis that your slow heart is causing your problem without committing them to a surgery and a permanent pacemaker." Procedure trialled in six patients over 4 years Six patients voluntarily underwent a 2-3-week test drive to decide for themselves how beneficial implantation with a pacemaker might be for them. Buy Blessed Thistle online The patients were aged between 40 and 82 years, and the procedures took place over a period of nearly 4 years. In the procedures, a needle was placed into the subclavian or axillary vein, with leads attached to a nonsterile permanent pacemaker that was sewn to the skin and covered with a waterproof dressing. After 2-3 weeks of the pacemaker being attached to and set to an appropriate heart rate for each patient, the device was removed. The researchers report that no complications were associated with the implantation, trial period or removal of the device during the test drives, and that all six patients subsequently chose to have a pacemaker permanently implanted. The patients also reported improvements in exercise tolerance, quality of life and alertness. "The test drive enables patients to go into their procedure much more confident that the pacemaker is going to do them some good," Prof. Giudici says. "It also allows the patient to make the choice, which ultimately makes them much happier than if the doctor just tells them they need it." Prof. Giudici adds that patients may be worried about body image issues associated with pacemaker implantation, as there may be some discoloration of the skin and a visible lump. "There are also issues with simply having a device inside the body, Am I getting old? and Do I have a heart problem? " "By doing this procedure we allow the patient to see the before and after, so they can make a much more informed decision," he says. Last year, Medical News Today reported that a patient in the UK had become the recipient of the world s smallest pacemaker. Written by David McNamee

Monday, June 22, 2015

Global E.coli Testing Market to Reach US$2.1 billion by 2022, Says Transparency Market Research

ALBANY, N.Y.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Spurred by favorable factors such as government initiatives to thwart the rapid spread of the E.coli bacterium, the global E.coli testing market will post a healthy CAGR of 6.58% between 2014 and 2022, says Transparency Market Research. Aygestin (Norethisterone Bp) with no Rx In its report titled “E.coli Testing Market - Global Industry Analysis, Size, Share, Growth, Trends and Forecast 2014 - 2022,” TMR says that the market was worth US$1.2 billion in 2013 and will touch US$2.1 billion by 2022. Buy Viagra Capsules (Sildenafil Citrate) The report segments the Global E.coli Testing Market by testing methods, end users, and geography. Report: By testing methods, the global E.coli testing market is classed into environmental and clinical testing market. Viagra Jelly (Sildenafil Citrate) without Rx The former is sub-segmented into membrane filtration (MF), enzyme-substrate methods, and multiple tube fermentation (MTF). Adcef without prescription Presence or absence (P/A) test kits based on enzyme-substrate reaction accounted for the predominant sales volumes in 2013, whereas from the standpoint of actual number of tests performed, the market was led by the membrane filtration method. About Viagra Super Active (Sildenafil Citrate) with no Rx The report sub-segments clinical testing into: Enzyme immunoassays (EIA), polymerase chain reaction (PCR) tests, and others. Request Sample: On the basis of end users too, the E.coli testing market is composed of environmental and clinical end-users. Buy Astragalus online The environmental end users segment comprises home and drinking water suppliers, waste water treatment organizations, bottled water suppliers, and others. Clinical end-users are identified as diagnostic laboratories, hospitals, and physician offices. Press Release: The report segments the market on the basis of geography as: North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, and Rest of the World, with each region being further segmented on the basis of major countries. Europe was the dominant region in the global E.coli testing market in 2013, but Asia Pacific shows the strongest pace of growth at a 6.92% CAGR from 2014-2022. Other Reports: Vaccine Market: Europe Heparin Market: About TMR: Transparency Market Research is a U.S. based market intelligence company driven by high-pedigree consultants and researchers. TMR leverages its Syndicated Research, Custom Research, and Market Consulting expertise to help businesses make accurate decisions. TMR’s exclusive blend of quantitative forecasting and trends analysis draws on proprietary data sources and techniques, while their data repository is continuously updated to reflect the latest trends.

Sunday, June 21, 2015

Sedentary behavior 'could increase the risk of anxiety'

Watching TV, playing video games, surfing the web: sedentary activities such as these have long been associated with physical health problems such as obesity and heart disease. Advair Rotacaps (Fluticasone-Salmeterol) without prescription A new study, however, suggests that they could also be associated with an increased risk of anxiety. The study found evidence to suggest sitting time was positively associated with the symptoms of anxiety. The study was conducted by researchers from the Centre for Physical Activity and Nutrition Research (C-PAN) at Deakin University, Australia, and is published in BMC Public Health. "Anecdotally - we are seeing an increase in anxiety symptoms in our modern society, which seems to parallel the increase in sedentary behavior," says lead researcher Megan Teychenne. About Zestril (Lisinopril) with free Rx "Thus, we were interested to see whether these two factors were in fact linked. "Also, since research has shown positive associations between sedentary behavior and depressive symptoms, this was another foundation for further investigating the link between sedentary behavior and anxiety symptoms." The researchers define sedentary behavior as activities that require minimal body movement and result in low energy expenditure. Cialis Jelly (Tadalafil) without Rx These include long periods of sitting while traveling or at work, and screen-based activities such as computer use and television viewing. A growing body of evidence suggests sedentary behavior is linked to an increased risk of developing many chronic diseases, including obesity, osteoporosis, type 2 diabetes and even some cancers. About Accuhaler without prescription Little research has been done to investigate the relationship between sedentary behavior and mental health, however. Anxiety is a widespread and debilitating mental health condition that can lead to excessive worrying, headaches, shortness of breath and muscle tension. Buy Zero Nicotine () with no prescription According to the Anxiety and Depression Association of America, anxiety disorders are the most common mental illness in the US, affecting 40 million adults. For the study, the researchers conducted a systematic review of nine studies that looked specifically at the relationship between anxiety and sedentary behavior. Buy Allergies for Pets online Seven of these focused on adults, with the other two including adolescents. Further longitudinal and interventional studies are warranted Across the nine studies, sedentary behavior was classified in different ways. Some studies defined it according to the total time spent while sitting and some assessed the amount of time spent doing specific activities such as using a computer. The researchers discovered in five of the studies that an increase in sedentary behavior was associated with an increased risk of developing anxiety. Four of the studies also suggested that increased time spent sitting was associated with an increased risk of anxiety. Although the evidence in the studies was less strong with regards to an association between the amount of time using screens and anxiety, one study reported that 36% of high school students with more than 2 hours of screen time a day were more likely to develop anxiety than those who had less than 2 hours. "Our research showed that evidence is available to suggest a positive association between sitting time and anxiety symptoms - however, the direction of this relationship still needs to be determined through longitudinal and interventional studies," states Teychenne. The researchers acknowledge that the current body of evidence exploring the relationship between sedentary behavior and anxiety is limited. However, of the studies that were available, 78% found at least one positive association between the risk of anxiety and sedentary behavior. This moderate evidence should be enough to indicate that further work is warranted, allowing researchers to eventually comprehend all the mechanisms that contribute to the debilitating mental illness. "It is important that we understand the behavioral factors that may be linked to anxiety - in order to be able to develop evidence-based strategies in preventing/managing this illness," says Teychenne. Previously, Medical News Today reported on a study that identified the circuits in the brain responsible for raising anxiety during nicotine withdrawal. Written by James McIntosh